
a bit of {randomness} to start the day...

1. patti blagojevich is a celebrity??? since when??? and going to be on a reality show??? c'mon, seriously? most of the nation had never heard of her or her husband before the whole "selling the senate seat" thing. (which i don't have any opinion on because i don't know enough about it). her husband says she's "willing to go out in the jungle (to make money) for her kids"...she says they have to earn a living somehow...could they not do something low-key?

of course i had this same thought when they started treating kato kaelin a celebrity too. it seems as if all you need to do is get involved in a public scandal. instant celebrity! are people really that interested in the blagojevichs?

{and please understand, i'm not putting anyone down, i'm just so confused at how we've gone from calling someone like marilyn monroe, brad pitt & reese witherspoon celebrities to putting paris hilton, those kardashian girls & now the blagojevichs in the same category}. i mean absolutely no disrespect towards any of them, i just don't get it.

2. ingenius! so cute and fun. get 'em here.

3. a woman gives birth to twins that have different dads?! wow. i had NO IDEA that was even possible. i will say i have a LOT of respect for her fiance (father of one of the boys), he made it clear that he's "daddy" to both, and that's that. she's got a good guy. but seriously? did you know that could happen?

4. i really want these. plus one in black. you can find them here.

5. and i *LOVE* this shirt and belt from the spring collection of my friend jodi's clothing line sakrid.

have a *great* day!


Liz said...

Number 3... wow. When I was 12 I spent the summer with my grandma and was forced to watch every soap opera there was. That season, a woman got pregnant with twins by two different dads but I totally thought that was of course something they made up. I guess not!!

Brett Alexandra said...

cuuuute shirt!! Hope your having a great memorial day weekend:)

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

left you a little award on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Gina!!!! You are too too sweet, thank you for posting about us!! So so great, Im going to link to your blog from Sakrid's which is undergoing changes and will be 10 times better soon, be watching:)
bye for now pretty one:)