**if you think we look exhausted in this picture, well, you're right... read on...**
am i the only one that is happy the holidays are over? i don't want to sound grinch-like, but this year was crazy busy, and i'm glad to finally be done with it and move on. it wasn't that bad up until christmas eve.
i took the raven for our morning walk then headed inside to start preparations for that evening. it was a perfect morning, the cowboy was home making breakfast & brewing coffee, {i LOVE that man!}, chores were done, i was baking & the house was spotless. london, {my son, i've never told you my kids' names before... my daughter is lauryn & my son is london} anyway, he threw open the front door bawling and screamed that raven had just been hit by a truck. the next few hours are still a blur to me. i called the vet, helped load her in cowboys truck, prayed with the kids & waited for cowboy to call me with some news. a few hours later, we found out that she had severely broken her back left leg, in the worst possible way, and the vet said that we would just have to wait it out and see how it heals. there was nothing else they could do. he said that we could take her in for surgery, but it would be $2000.00 and a 50/50 chance that it would work. it didn't seem like the odds were in our favor on that, so we took the alternative route.
raven was brought into the house for the time being, {i think we'll have a problem keeping her out when she gets better} and kept on heavy pain meds. the vet says the one thing she has in her favor is that she's young, so he's hoping that her bones heal correctly and quickly. she might always have a limp, but at least she's still with us. we've both been up most of the night with her since then. we are exhausted. but, she's worth it!
after that, christmas was pretty much a second thought to all of us. the kids were devastated, and not really in the christmas spirit. we did manage to have a good christmas, the kids got most of what they wanted, the majority of lauryns gifts were american girl related & her very own digital camera. she's been bugging us for one all year! london made out with tons of new lego sets {that boy is a lego MANIAC}, g.i. joe & a huge magician set. they were super happy, and spent the day playing with their new toys right next to raven, so she wouldn't feel "left out".
but, getting back to christmas;
cowboy got most everything on my list, starting with this:
the tiffany & co key and chain, i LOVE it!

and this: i've been wanting this since last spring...
and a pair of my favorite jeans:
a gift card to barnes & noble, {always a great gift idea for me}, and three of tarina tarantinos lucite carved rose bracelets in pink, turqouise & black!
okay, so i've shared my loot~ hope ya'll had a great holiday!
*oh~ i'll be doing a giveaway in the next week or so. i've been going through my handbags {it'll be designer}, so it should be a rather good one! make sure you check back!*
I'm so sorry about your dog!! Gosh $2000 is an awful lot for a gamble. I hope everything works out for ya'll. And I agree with you 100%. I enjoyed the holidays but I'm GLAD they are over!!!!
wow. poor raven.. im soo sorry.. your maltese is a cutie pie. are you kids better now? keep me posted on raven.. poor girl. did a give away too. my christmas was pretty much a disaster, my husband did not get me what i really wanted and the pants he got me thinking they would fit were three sizes too small. what a mess. he did make up for it with buying me some perfume by micheah korhs, we really can't afford anything desingner but he said i was worth it. your loot is great. loove tiffany's one day i will get a necklace from there. lol can't wait to see you in june. wayy excited about you taking our pics.
oh no!! I am so very sorry!! please keep us posted on raven!! your Maltese is super adorable. My parents got me one when I was 11{?} and it was completely heartbreaking to put her to sleep a few months ago. She lived a very long beautiful life though. Enjoy Miss Gracie!! and I hope raven is ok!!
Happy New Year lovely lady!! :)
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