1} we met & married in 3 MONTHS. {we got engaged after a month of dating, and married 2 months later}. people have often asked if i was completely stressed out planning a big wedding in 2 months, but as it so happened, i was a wedding coordinator at the time, and had a "in" with a lot of the major bridal/wedding companies around here, so it wasn't bad at all! that was 11+ years ago, and i love that man more and more every day!
2} Cowboy is a pilot. he took flying lessons a few years back, and loves it!
3} I'm giddy, excitable & always flittering to the next sparkling thing that floats by. Cowboy is solid. even-keeled and calm. he grounds me, keeps me in check. not by anything he says, but with his laid back personality. he's so good for me!
4} we tried for almost a year to get pregnant, with doctors telling us that they didn't know that we would ever get pregnant because of a mess of problems with my "parts" inside... but, we did! sis priss surprised us on april fools day of 2000, and the Boy double surprised us the following may!
5} Cowboy is a country boy from wisconsin, and i'm a city girl from california. we met in missouri, via a blind date set up by a builder of Cowboys. {Cowboy owns a company in construction}
6} we are total homebodies. we love to travel, but other than that, we love to stay home, cook meals together, and curl up with the monkeys to play games and watch movies. i'm happiest when my little family is all under one roof, safe and happy.
7} i'm a dreamer, Cowboy is a do-er. i dream things up, he makes them happen.
8} we have horses. oakley & harley. we are looking forward to adding a couple more to the family once the house is finished being built. Cowboy is really into the horses... i'm looking forward to getting a few longhorn cattle. they're so cool to have just outside your window!
9} i'm a year & 5 months older than Cowboy, but he has always been so much more mature than me. ;)
10} we are both on staff at our church. Cowboy is a trustee, on the board, and i'm the hospitality director. we love our church, and love serving the Lord!
well, there's so much more i could write, but i'll stop for now! have a great weekend!
insanely beautiful family :)
you need to live closer to me! I need some pictures! ;)
adorable post - sound like y'all were just made for each other! :)
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