
me and my guy...

my heart is just overflowing for this man. i don't know how i lucked out and married the most wonderful, perfectly matched person for me, but i did. he is everything i ever wanted, everything i never knew i wanted and more than i could've ever dreamed of. he is my world. in so many ways we are total opposites, but in so many ways we're exactly alike. where i am weak, he's strong and vice versa. it amazes me how God puts two people together that he knows are perfect for one another, both in the present and in the far future. when i think of *j* i smile. i blush and believe it or not, i still get butterflies. even after nearly 11 years of marriage. it just keeps getting better and better. and knowing that he is one who will witness my life with such intimacy, well it humbles me that this great man chose to spend the rest of his days loving me. is he "perfect", no, who is? BUT, he's perfect for ME. absolutely. love. it's so lovely. have a great lovely thought filled day!!!


R.C. said...

you guys are waaaay to cute! Isn't it amazing when you find someone who dosn't want anyone else in the whole wide world but you? :)

.E. said...

I really dont know you just found your blog and your flickr account but I love how in love you are with your husband.. it makes me happy.. I feel the same way about my husband.. I am just not nearly as good as showing and expressing it to him.. I hope I learn a few lessons from you.