i feel edgy by gigi24 featuring Prada sunglasses
now, for the randoms...
1. i had a fabulous time in ok city with ondi. the 3 days flew by, but they were filled with fond memories, belly laughs and fun new memories that we made. funny how there's only a few people in the whole wide world that you can see once every 13 years and it's like you've never been apart. ondrea is one of my *few*.
2. sis priss's ballet recital went well. although i'm thinking it'll be our last year with this particular company. we are planning on starting her at a different acadamy this fall.
3. dear old friend of mine had her bridal shower this past saturday. i'm so happy for her! she's finally found the *perfect* guy for her. truly. don't you love when you see your friends end up with someone you know is the *right one* for them???
the *rant*
4. so i was at walmart yesterday (i'm soooo not a big fan of walmart anyway, but i was in a hurry and it was the closest market) moving on...
when i worked in customer service, it was always taught that the customer is 1) always right 2) should leave happy. i have to say though in the past several years, i've seen customer service go down the tubes. in a serious way. like they could care less if you shopped there or not. the only places i've not seen a decrease in customer service (from here on out, customer service will be refered to as c.s.) is in your higher end stores. this bothers me. a lot.
so, i was at walmart, in the checkout line, and when it was my turn i wasn't even greeted. now, some might say that i'm being nit picky, ( but hubby and i own a company, and if any of our employees refused to greet a customer, or were rude to one, we wouldn't stand for it) and normally i would willingly dismiss this and say "hello" first if the following hadn't of gone on: 1* she moved as slow as mollassas, pausing frequently to let out huge *sighs* of despair. 2* she refused to load my cart.
**it seems that since walmart has gone to the turning bagging stations, that their cashiers have gotten lazy, and feel like it's the customers responsibility to load their own cart.**
(now mind you before you think i'm a snob, i don't mind helping in the least if the cashier is friendly, and starts loading my cart straightway. i really don't mind. i'm not lazy. but. i do have a problem with those that look at you like "get to work because the roundabout is filling up".) last time i checked, in my "job description" as a customer, it was not listed that i am to bag & load my own grocieries. in fact, i'm pretty darn sure that it's still written in the description of the cashier. have you ever been to a supermarket where you had to bag and load your own groceries? i haven't!
anyway~ she started piling my groceries on the floor. seriously! then, from her register, she lifted up my paper towels and toilet paper and threw them into my cart on the other side of the roundabout. she then told me the total, i handed her the money, and she looked at me challegingly (if that's not a word, i just made it one) and said, "thank you, have a nice day." no smile, but the challenge now of basically telling me to hurry up and load my own cart so that she could tend to the next in line. so, me, and my stubborn way, just smiled sweetly, and said "thank you so much, you have a good day as well" and stood there, feet firmly planted. i didn't move an inch. just kept looking at her smiling. if she really thought she was going to win this one, she was sorely mistaken. i'm one of the most stubborn people i know when it comes to certain things. and this royally ticked me off. (perhaps it's the pms, or the massive amount of stuff we have going on in our lives at the moment) she huffed, turned around and slammed my bags into my cart. not placed. slammed. she crushed all my bread, croissants, all my boxed lunch items for the kids. then. and this is the kicker. she threw my EGGS in the front of the cart on their side. i looked down, not believing what i just saw. { mind you, i had been extremely nice up until this point}
i looked up and said "those are my eggs" this time my tone matched hers. she looked at me with her eyebrows raised and without moving any facial feature she replied "i know their your eggs". and turned to get the last of my bags. i took the eggs out, which had to be replaced, grabbed the last bag from her, and demanded that she call her manager. NOW. she looked smugly at me, shrugged her shoulders and said "fine". the women in line behind me were in shock at what had just taken place. the cashier had just thrown an adult sized temper tantrum with my groceries. the manager came, and i led him off to the side. i unloaded my cart while telling him the story, and he was shocked and extremely apologetic. the ladies behind me backed me up. after all was said and done, all of my bread, croissants and eggs had to be replaced. while the manager was tending to that, the cashier walked off the job. yeah. so today, there is now a 55-ish year old lady looking for work in the branson area. just beware employers, she has a very bad temper...
now for the sad news...
5. we are headed up to iowa. (i don't know when exactly we will go, or if it'll just be *j*)
*j's* grandfather was given 1-5 days to live. that was yesterday. this man was one of the best men i've known. he cares for his family deeply, and has taken me in wholeheartedly as one of his own. as you can imagine, *j* is troubled by all of this. so please keep us in your prayers.
I am SO happy you are back!!
I love polyvore!! {I live so close to their building!!} totally exciting for me lol!
I hope J's grandfather is okay - man, one to five days must be so hard. Hope your day gets better! I hate those days when I am on edge!
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