
my brain...you should try living with it...

okay, so i'm sitting here, having PLENTY to do, but instead i'm off in a little bubble and the voices in my head are going crazy chattering about the most random things...these are SOME of the things going on in there, all at the same time:

1. i need to go excersize, but i'm hungry. i could just grab something to eat (really craving chocolate) while i jog...but does that defeat the whole purpose of jogging? would i be burning those calories, or all the ones before. duh. before. but i really want chocolate. put that on the grocery list. still wanna lose 5 lbs...geez.

2. laundry is totally piling up. i hate laundry. i don't know why they don't invent disposable clothes. but would i really want to go to the store every week and buy new ones? well, yeah! but then they wouldn't be as well made. that would be a bummer. but i guess it really wouldn't matter if i was just going to throw them away. but what if i REALLY liked something...could i just keep buying it, or would they eventually stop carrying it? that wouldn't help the landfill situation either. what a silly idea. i don't know why i have it every time i do laundry.

3. i need to go water my garden. we've gotten soooo much rain though. what am i going to do if i see a snake by it? i hate snakes. maybe lowes has something to keep snakes away. and ticks. yuck. hate ticks. still haven't gotten my tomato plants. need to get those tomorrow. scared nothings going to grow. i'm going to be so mad if it doesn't. i'll NEVER grow from seed again.

4. tomorrow. wednesday. church. don't think the kids should go to church because of their poison ivy. still need to go to the grocery store. and lowes. poison ivy. yuck. need to pick up more white paint for the screened in porch ceiling. can't believe the stupid thing is taking this much paint. my arms hurt. i hate painting over my head. i need to wash the car while i'm in town. dry cleaning! need to remember that too!

5. poison ivy. why is it poison? need to google poison ivy. see if there's something else i can do to speed up the process of it going away. kids still look like "chubby". "hi, i'm chubby, my mama's chubby, my daddy's chubby, even my dog is chubby. one day my momma said, chubby, can you smile? sure, ma, like this!" used to do that a lot as a kid. poor kids. i should take pictures of them for the blog. would it be mean to post them with their little faces all swollen on the blog? i don't know...

6. the paintings for angela still need to be done. i'm so behind on that. need to mail aprils cd's to her...need to call jodi and make sure she got her cd's. need to make reservation at bed & breakfast for jodi's wedding. j's birthday! gotta figure out something for that.

7. i'm clumsy today. i always get clumsy right before that time...i HATE "that time". i wish we were made with an on/off button. i would so have it on "off".

8. i want to go somewhere. figi. bora bora. j's set on not going anywhere exotic till the house is done. don't blame him, but i really want to go somewhere.

9. kids need to finish math. maybe we could do it outside. dinner. what are going to have for dinner. leftover smoked ham is good...don't feel like cooking. don't feel like doing much of anything.

10. facebook...keep it or get rid of it. it's starting to turn into a myspace kind of thing. i liked it better when not everyone was on it, and i wasn't getting invites from people i went to elementary school with and haven't talked to since. why don't people like that write a little note with their invite " hi, how are you, it's been so long! i've thought about you over the years, and wondered how you were. looking forward to catching up!"...something like that. sometimes i think they just want to be nosey and not put any effort into a real friendship. ugh. then you've got all the applications, all the requests. not a big deal, but do i really want all those people knowing all that about me. blogging's different. blogging is words from me. things i want people to know. but if i'm not on facebook for a few hours or longer, and someone puts something on my profile that i don't want known, i'm out of luck. does it really matter? it's just sometimes peoples sense of humor isn't funny. i hate when people "joke" by putting you down. i mean seriously? why? it just rubs me the wrong way. why put people down?

11. memorial day weekend. want to do nothing but hang out here. go on the boat. paint the adarondak chairs. and the wicker. one more coat for the wicker and it should be done. took enough paint. we need more mulch and rock. need my other hummingbird feeders put up. need to get rid of the squirrels...

12. what posesses two women to go into walmart and steal a 52" tele? one dressed as a walmart employee and one as a "customer"...purse snatcher on the loose in springfield. springfield. city where nothing ever happens, now has lots of stuff happening. i remember when we first moved here, the main story was on a heard of cattle that had gotten loose and wandered away. now it's non-stop crime.

13. still need to make the drapes for the lake shack dining room. so cute. wonder if they're too trendy. do i really want big pears framing my windows? do i really care? it's not like they're my forever drapes. they are really cute though. orla keely from target. gotta love her.

14. wonder if psycho stalker girl reads this blog. hmmm. i don't know. i'd love to get into her head. try to figure out the way she thinks. i'm pms-ing. i'm thinking mean thoughts. i don't mean to. they just "pop up" and there they are. self control. she will not get the better of me. a lotta nerve that girl has.

15. i need to make smoothies. strawberry raspberry peach. that sounds really good. i hate that i didn't bring my kitchen aid blender here. i'm stuck with our old one from when we were first married. double yuck. it's slow. i'll be so glad when the house is done.

16. i hear water running and the kids whispering...not good. they say their rinsing off their plates from lunch. i'm scared to see what i'll find when i go out there. need to make sweet tea. been out for 2 days. sipping on lemonade instead, cause i don't feel like making it. need to cut all the veggies up and put them on a platter for munching. should've done that yesterday. is it normal to talk to yourself? hmmm. i just don't know. need to experiment with the felted wool. need to go to hobby lobby. hate my "to-do" list right now. it's too overwhelming.

17. seriously have to love j for putting up with me. when we first got married, he would come home and i'd sit there and talk his ear off. he said he'd never met anyone that talked so much. then i saw on a morning news show that women have 25,000 words they have to use a day and men only have 15,000. i filled him in on that fact that night at dinner. from then on, whenever i would do my nightly chatting to him, he'd wait till he couldn't take it anymore, and would nicely ask if i was anywhere near my limit for the day so that he could get back to watching whatever it was that he wanted to watch. i've told him through the years that while it might be hard for him to have to listen to me rattle on and on about (very) important stuff, that he should try thinking about how i feel. these conversations and thoughts go on and on in my head all day without a break. ideas for decor, ideas for making something, stuff with the kids, stuff with the house, photography stuff, craft stuff, stuff with the lake house. the list goes on forever.

if you've made it this far, i'm impressed and you're probably exhausted. i've only met 2 people in my life that are like me in this way. there are so many times i have to make myself be quiet around friends because if i don't, i'll go on and on about ideas and such. it's draining. i can skip tracks and conversations with lightning speed. poor j has had to hold on tight to make sure he keeps up. unfortunately, it looks like lauryn has the same "illness". j and london are forced to listen to us as we go on and on explaining detail by detail about our day, our ideas, our thoughts and our opinions. i haven't really talked to anyone in the past 3 days except for j and the kids because i've lost my voice...this entry was good for me. i feel better. alrighty then. i'm gonna go. i have to get something done. i'm just not sure of where to start...


~The Neaves Nest~ said...

Love your blog! Can't wait to read more =) Thanks for following, I'm now following you too! Nice to meet you , bloggy friend!

Rita said...

just wanted to let you know i made it to the end.. he he
love ya