
me? quirky? never...

i'm in the mood for list making, and while i should be doing other things that are far more productive, this sounds funner. so...here's a short list of the "quirks" that make me, me...

1. i despise clowns and porcelian dolls. they freak me out. especially when they have the eyes that "follow" you around. yuck. yuck. and double yuck.

2. i hate making left hand turns. i don't know why. it just feels weird.

3. i don't like odd numbers. i tried to convince the doctor not to perform a c-section on me till the next morning so that my daughters birthday wouldn't be on april 1st, but on april 2. i lost that battle. the only exception to this rule is the number 5. it's the coolest odd number there is. so cool, i tend to think it's really an even. :)

4. i love reading the thesaurus. and the dictionary.

5. i name things i love. ex: my car~lola, my kitchenaid~lucy, my journal~lulu, my camera~bindi, my drawing journal~sophie, my sewing machine~bianca

6. i don't care for ivy or ferns...anything that's vine-y and allowed to grow all over the place, like up the walls and such. it freaks me out. i don't mind them as much if they are kept SHORT. like way short. but long...well, it just gives me the heebie jeebies. my mum says i watched too many horror movies as a child...

i'll be adding more as i have time...have a great day!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Awesome quirks! #3 made me think of my husband. He has this thing about words/names having an even amount of letters! It seriously drives him crazy if they don't lol

And I now want to name my camera... :)