baloo~ i'm thinking reference to jungle book? who knows where he (london) comes up with stuff...
this is gracie. lauryn had a difficult time naming this one. she couldn't make up her mind.
i just love my kids stuffed animals. they are getting seriously close to the not wanting them in their rooms or on their beds, since they seem to think that they are older than they are, but i can't make myself put them away. i figured taking some pictures of them will help in remembering just how precious this time in my life is with my two little monkeys. it's amazing how badly you want to hang on to each year of your babies lives. how part of you is so ready for them to get older and more "responsible" and the other half fights allowing them to grow up. it's a constant struggle of emotions. as heartbreaking as it is, i wouldn't have it any other way.
this is george. as in "curious george"...;)

this is jane. i made this for lauryn several years ago, and she has been well loved ever since. she's starting to look a *bit* ragged, but lauryn won't let me do anything to her. she'd hate for me to say it, but lauryn rarely goes anywhere overnight without her.

this is slurp. the other side is sip. london is *king* of names. we once had a toad that lived in our flower beds, he'd come out at night, let us pet him and watch him up close, london named him warts. we had him about 3 years till he had an unfortunate accident with the front tire of j's truck...then we had wally ( also named by london) he was the groundhog that lived at the corner of our subdivision. london loves naming things. i love that kid.

this is george. as in "curious george"...;)

this is jane. i made this for lauryn several years ago, and she has been well loved ever since. she's starting to look a *bit* ragged, but lauryn won't let me do anything to her. she'd hate for me to say it, but lauryn rarely goes anywhere overnight without her.

this is slurp. the other side is sip. london is *king* of names. we once had a toad that lived in our flower beds, he'd come out at night, let us pet him and watch him up close, london named him warts. we had him about 3 years till he had an unfortunate accident with the front tire of j's truck...then we had wally ( also named by london) he was the groundhog that lived at the corner of our subdivision. london loves naming things. i love that kid.
I love all the stuffed animals. What a great idea to take pictures of them! I have a terrible time getting rid of my kids' stuffed animals. Now that I have Jack, it's a good excuse to keep them for awhile...Jory's can just pass down! :) Can't wait to add a cute little sock monkey to the collection!
sigh. Why must they get older? So true that it brings on such a mixture of emotions!
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