may was a busy month! i hopped on a plane, leaving my cowboy and two monkeys at home, and joined my friends to spend a week at the hilton resort in hawaii. the night before we left, lissa and i {my best friend since grade school, *the pretty girl on the far right of the above picture*}, got a pedi and a spray tan. when i was younger, i was such a tanner. now that i'm a mom, and old enough to know better, i stay out of the sun, and slather on the high spf sunscreen. the spray tan was a new experience for me. we had it done by the same spray tan artist that does the tans for the "real housewives of the o.c., and the laker girls, etc. at first, i looked SO dark, and the color was even and gorgeous. we were advised not to shower till the morning, so we didn't, but in the morning, my color was a bit splotchy. not bad, but not as pretty as it looked the night before. on the plus side, it lasted me a little over a week. enough time to get a good base tan {since i slathered spf 70 all over myself}. in the end, i would do the spray tan again for an event or something. anyway~ we spent the week exploring the island, and i FINALLY got to see the green sand beach! i've been the the big island twice already, and had yet to see it. sooo, i convinced the girls to take the hike to it with me. i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who thought it was gorgeous and well worth it, but it was amazing. not only that, but it's not everyday that those of us who are land-locked can go on a beautiful, ocean-view hike in hawaii. forget the "touristy" places, where you can buy t-shirts and key chains, give me a chance to get to know the "real" hawaii. and spending the better part of the day hiking along the coast, well, it was one of the highlights of my trip.

the next day, we spent at the resort. there was a coral reef there, home to the endangered green sea turtles. we spent the day swimming with them, and by swimming with them, i mean, they swam right up to us, letting us pet them all over. they were as curious about us, as we were about them. we had a group of about 30-40 of them, and spent a good chunk of the afternoon being entertained. the little guy below was so fun. we fed him peanuts right out of our hands, and he happily gobbled them up, and followed us to get more. i don't know if peanuts were good for him, but he seemed to like 'em.

we went to kona joes coffee. so cool. who wouldn't want to own a coffee plantation right on the coast of hawaii? if it were mine, i'd never leave. well, i'm sure i've gone on about it long enough for now. i'll post more tomorrow, since it's so long.